The main objective of the African Techpreneur webinar series is to encourage youth to consider Tech Entrepreneurship as a career choice, and to shift their mindset from an “employee” one to an “entrepreneurial” one.
Five years ago, Xoliswa was sure about her career choice. Today, she is a successful Web Developer, and has visions to start her own business some day.
How did Xoliswa go from where she was, to where she is now?
Will I lose my job to robots? Is tech going to benefit us or harm us in the long run?
Tech is changing our world. Everyone knows that. But what does it mean to us?
The thought of starting your own web design business might sound daunting to many, but it actually isn’t as difficult as most people think.
In this episode I speak to Zakiyya Mehtar, who is the founder of Pixel Web Design Studio.
To grow a successful business, you need to start by solving a problem.
Some of the most successful businesses in the world started because the founders solved a problem. Google, Facebook, Uber, and the list goes on. This is a lesson I learned and applied into my own businesses, IT varsity and Xander. This is our story.
In this episode I welcome two dynamic young people into their journey as coders.
They say it takes a village to raise a child. Similarly, it takes a community to produce an entrepreneur.
This will be the first of many interviews as I mentor them through their exciting journeys!
There’s a lot that can be learned from movies, but more can be learned from the background stories behind those movies.
And I think very few movies have had a more dramatic back story than the #JusticeLeague. Despite their troubles, recently they made cinema history by releasing a new version of the movie, and in the process taught us a number of extremely valuable lessons.
Throughout our school lives we were instilled with a fear of failing.
This fear remains with us through to adulthood.
And yet, entrepreneurs see failure as a means of learning.
When someone mentions the companies Apple, KFC and Tesla, who comes to mind?
If you hear the words “I am the Greatest!” or “I have a dream…” or “I’ll be back!” who do you think of?
Obviously, the people behind these companies and these words have built powerful personal brand that have left an indelible mark on the world.
Do you want to succeed in your career?
Become a #lifelonglearner. Albert Einstein once said “Once you stop learning, you start dying.”
Here’s a twist: “Once you stop learning, you start declining in your business or career.”
And the best part is, thanks to the internet, learning has never been easier.
Good human relations are one of the key ingredients for happiness and success.
Yet, we generally suck at them. Why? Because we were not taught how to manage our relationships in school or university.
We basically have to figure things out by ourselves. First romantic relationship?
So many people use LinkedIn incorrectly!
Yet, LinkedIn is a powerful tool to find a job or get the word out about your business.
And LinkedIn is booming. Used correctly, it can skyrocket your brand and open you up to global possibilities.